Criteria for Good Leadership – Part 3

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man” – Luke 2:52 (NIV)

The environment Jesus grew up in was good, but it was not perfect. Rome ruled over Israel, which was politically oppressed. However, He lived in a God-honouring environment. He did not grow up with lavish amenities and was a carpenter. There’s no mention of Him dressing excessively or indulging in fine foods.

Moreover, He had a good education since every male child attended the local synagogue to receive their basic education. Being endowed with such an environment, God ensured that Jesus had enough to develop into a perfect man. Note: Healthy development does not depend on affluence but on sufficiency. 

Jesus grew in wisdom, whereby He applied God’s principles to the knowledge He already had. He taught the people in Capernaum on the Sabbath, and they were amazed at His teaching. His words had authority (Luke 4:31-32). Jesus was not born wise; He grew just like we do. As a baby, He had no wisdom, but as an adult, He had all wisdom since He ensured He was always connected to His heavenly Father.

Our Saviour was just as physical and human as you are. Jesus was always in perfect communion with our God. He developed as our High Priest by seeking and developing a relationship with God, His Father, by praying (Luke 6:12-13).

Jesus had to grow and develop to get to the point of laying down His life for us. His growth models what God intended us to be. With Him as our Model, we can reflect God’s concerns for all areas of life. 

Our Lord developed, matured, and began a life of service, proclaiming and demonstrating God’s love. Our goal for service should be to help others move toward God’s intention in every area of life – toward wholeness, maturity, and God’s purpose for their lives.

Read: Matthew 13:35; Philippians 2:3

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 68:7-14; John 17:6-26; 1 Samuel 19; 1 Samuel 20

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